FieldPaintball Field How Big

What does it mean to ask, "How big is a paintball?" This inquiry relates to different points of the paintball game, its gear, and the strategies necessary for success. In this article, we'll dive into all of these aspects to better understand the full picture of paintball.

When discussing the size of a paintball, we must first consider the size of the paintball gun itself. Paintball guns, or markers, come in two main sizes: mil-sim and speedball. Mil-sim markers are larger and more cumbersome, while speedball markers are slightly smaller, a bit lighter, and more streamlined.

Mil-sim guns have a distinct tactical look and feel to them, making them popular with MilSim (Military Simulation) players. On average, they are much larger than regular markers and can range from 10 to 16 inches in length and 33 to 65 ounces in weight.

Speedball guns also come in a variety of sizes, but they are generally smaller and sleeker. Speedball markers are usually 8 to 10 inches in length and a mere 16 to 35 ounces in weight.

Now that we know the types of guns used in paintball, let's take a closer look at the paintball itself -- the projectile that is fired from the gun to mark a player or target.

Paintballs can come in various sizes and each size can be more specific depending on the species. Paintballs for recreational use are .68 inches in diameter and weigh 3 grams. Paintballs used in tournaments are under .68 inches and weigh less than 3 grams. They need to be uniformly small and lightweight for accuracy and precision during gameplay.

The material of the paintball is just as crucial as the size. Paintballs are typically made of a gelatin-like substance that houses the paint, typically a non-toxic mixture of food grade dye and water. This substance makes the paintball round enough for flight and easily breakable upon contact with a player or target.

While you've likely heard of a paintball gun and a paintball, there are several other pieces of gear that you should be aware of. To be fully prepared, you'll need the following items:

To stay safe, you should always be wearing a set of protective equipment such as a paintball helmet, goggles or a face mask, gloves, and a chest protector. Wearing protective gear is not only mandated by most paintball fields, but it is also essential for keeping your body safe from paint and air compressed at 300 psi.

A hopper or loader is the device that feeds the paintballs into the paintball gun. Generally, they're either gravity-fed or powered by a battery. They range in size and capacity, so it's important to find the right hopper for your gun and playing style.

An air system helps deliver the power behind the gun through air cans and tanks. CO2 (carbon dioxide) and HPA (high-pressure air) tanks are the two types of air systems used in paintball. Most can operate at pressures of up to 3000 psi.

The game of paintball requires many different pieces of equipment. To understand the size of a paintball, we must first understand the size of paintball guns. Markers typically come in two sizes: mil-sim and speedball. Paintballs used in recreational and tournament play are .68 inches in diameter and weigh 3 grams. To play the game, you also should invest in protective gear, a hopper or loader, and an air system. With all of this in mind, you'll be more fully prepared for an exciting, safe game of paintball.